Nordic Gerontological Federation

28th Nordic Congress of Gerontology in 2027, Jyväskylä, Finland

We look forward to seeing you at the 28NKG in Jyväskylä, Finland in 2027!

27NKG 2024 in Stockholm, Sweden

The 27th Nordic Gerontological Congress gathered app. 900 delegates at Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm, Sweden

Thank you to all delegates and speakers for making the 27NKG a resounding success

Program highlights
This year's congress featured over 130 sessions and around 700 speakers including poster presenters, covering groundbreaking research and innovative developments in the field of Gerontology and Geriatrics. Highlights include keynote addresses from Vânia de la Fuente-Núnez, Luigi Ferrucci, Jan Semenza, Marijke Veestra, and Alexandre Sidorenko, as well as Spotlight sessions organised by renowned researchers on important topics such as welfare technology and ageing, loneliness, and intertwining geriatric syndromes. A special feature this year was the 64 poster tours held over three days in four different buildings on the KI campus.

An additional highlight was the opening ceremony featuring performances by Dance for Parkinson's and Balettakademien, followed by an opening speech by Her Majesty the Queen, who reflected on the ageing process and its consequneces from both societal and individual perspectives.

Attendance and participation
The 27NKG hosted approximately 900 attendees from 44 countries, representing a wide range of expertise and institutions.  The organisers extends a special thank you to the many NKG Ambassadors from across Sweden, who not only presented their research but also contributed to the smooth operations of the congress.

You can read more about the 27NKG and its content in the KI News

Visit the gallery to see photos from the congress as well as recordings of the opening ceremony and the the keynote speech from Vânia de la Fuente-Núnez.

Professor Teppo Kröger

Photo: Kristiina Kontoniemi

The Sohlberg Prize 2024 is awarded to Professor Teppo Kröger, University of Jyväskylä, Finland  

The Sohlberg Prize is the most prestigeous Nordic prize in Gerontology, sponsored by the Païvikki and Sakari Sohlberg Foundation. It will be awarded at the 27th Nordic Congress of Gerontology in Stockholm where Teppo Kröger will give a prize lecture.

The prize is awarded to a scientist active in a Nordic country who is a leader in gerontology with a major influence on the development of his/her field in ageing research. To be considered the candidate should have built a strong research group or initiated research of major importance for developments in gerontology.

The worthy recipient of the Sohlberg Prize 2024 is Professor Teppo Kröger from the University of Jyväskylä, Finland. Teppo Kröger has been engaged in research on ageing since the mid 1990ies, and has a long experience leading national and international research projects. He has an extensive and impressive list of publications on various topics including eldercare services from all the parties involved (frail older persons, their families and paid care workers). Teppo Kröger was appointed as Professor of Social and Public Policy at the University of Jyväskylä in 2011. Since 2018, he has been the Director  and PI of the Centre of Excellence in Research and Care and Team Leader of it's Research Group 1 'Ageing and Comparative Care Policy'.

Kaisa Koivunen

The Prize for Promising Researcher in Gerontology 2024 is awarded to reseacher from Finland  

At the 27NKG in Stockholm the Nordic Gerontological Federation Prize for Promising Researcher will be handed out for the 6th time, this time to Kaisa Koivunen from the University of Jyväskylä, Finland.

The prize is intended for a promising researcher from the country that hosts the following Nordic Congress of Gerontology. The candidate must not hold a senior position.

The worthy recipient of the NGF Prize 2024 is Kaisa Koivunen, postdoctoral researcher at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland. Koivunen is a versatile researcher in the field of gerontology. Her main interests are in public health, physical functioning, and specifically systemic resilience and psychometrics. Her basis education is a Master of Health Sciences (Physiotherapy).

Koivunen defended her doctoral thesis "Resilience in Old Age: Physical Performance and Psychosocial Factors in Changing Sociocultural Contexts and as a Resource in Adversities" at the University of Jyväskylä in 2021. Since then, Koivunen has continued her academic research as a postdoctoral researcher at the Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences at the University of Jyväskylä. At present, she is working on her research project "Resilience and Aging Well: A Complex Systems Approach".

Travel grants 2024

12 Nordic scholars receive travel grants for the 27NKG 

The travel grants are awarded by the Nordic Gerontological Federation and the 27th Nordic Congress of Gerontology.

Laura Pirhonen Nørmark, University of Copenhagen
Mathias Skjødt Christensen, University of Southern Denmark

Ann-Louise Sirén, Helsinki University
Laura Lathi, Tampere University

Inga V. Kristinsdottir, University of Iceland
Margrét Gudnadottir,
University of Iceland

Karl Jonathan Berg, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Ida K. Landgraff, Bærum Hospital, Vestre Viken Hospital Trust

David Dahlgren, Lund University
Nadezhda Golovchanova, Örebro University

Olga Lupanova, Tallin University

Madara Mikelsone, Riga Stradins University

Each travel grant is 5.000 SEK and free participation in the 27NKG.
The NGF congratulates the travel grant receivers of 2024!

GeroNord Newsletter                                            

All issues of the GeroNord newsletter are available online

In the NGF newsletter you can read about the 27 NKG in Stockholm in 2024, the 2024 winner of the Sohlberg Prize and the NGF Prize for Promising Researcher in Gerontology. The latest issue also features an article about gerontology and geriatrics in Finland, the host of the 28NKG in 2027. Other upcoming congresses in the Nordic countries, new PhD dissertations and journals in the field of ageing is also featured in this newsletter.  The President of the NGF, Jette Thuesen, from the Danish Gerontological Society, introduces the issue.

Download the latest and all other issues of the newsletter on the page GERONORD NEWSLETTER in the  menu on the left side of the page.

If you have suggestions for news to feature in the GeroNord, please write an email to


The Nordic Gerontological Federation (NGF) was founded 1974 as an umbrella organization for the gerontological and geriatric organizations in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. The primary mission of NGF is to support, organize and expand gerontological research, development and education within the Nordic countries. Read more about NGF by clicking the tabs in the left menu.